Steve Oxley
Starting as an administrator more than twenty years ago, Steve has worked his way up through the applied window film industry before becoming co-founder of Solarfrost Window Films® in 2022.
As well as being an experienced operational manager one of Steve's biggest strengths is his technical & product knowledge that he has built up over the years which in turn helps him build & maintain client relationships which is a critical aspect in any SME. This coupled with his sound financial & administration skills helps maintain the smooth day to day running of the business.
In his personal life, Steve is married to Tina who is a nurse at a local hospital. They have two children Dylan & Emily who are both in their early twenties and at university.
Away from the business Steve is a keen rugby union fan and is a director at one of the regions clubs Hull Ionians RUFC. If it is not sport you find Steve watching then you will find him listening to Erasure. He has followed the duo since they started in the mid eighties and has countless records, cd's and memorabilia. Don't even ask how many of their concerts he has been to!
Steve & Neil bring different skill sets to the table and given they have always had a good working relationship it meant setting up Solarfrost was an opportunity they couldn't let pass by.