As a new start up business, the requirement to get our initial marketing and advertising right is critical to our success moving forward.
With this in mind we enlisted the assistance of experienced public relations guru and former Hull Daily Mail Business Editor Phil Ascough of Ascough Associates with the brief for him to outline our business model, industry experience, current projects and plans moving forward.
We spent a day with both Phil & professional photographer Dan Drew at Coffee 31 in Hull for whom we had carried out some emergency work following break in damage to their shop.
We have a long standing relationship with Debbie & the staff at Coffee 31 and when we heard about the break in we was only too happy to assist them with the installation of our clear security film to ensure that if any future damage would be caused then impact on their trade wouldn't suffer.

This job provided Phil with a base to produce an article about our business to feature on several local websites including:
As well as appearing online the article was also featured in the Hull Daily Mails business news on 8th June 2022 (below) as well as the Holderness Gazette.
Within an hour of the article going live we received a call from local gift shop Wishes of Willerby in order to provide them with UV Protection film to their shop front glazing. Several other enquiries have also been made on the back of the article.
This proved that the time & investment we made in utlising an experienced public relations officer was a sound decision. We will certainly be using Phil's knowledge as a business moving forward after the success this article has provided us with and cannot recommend his skills highly enough.